Sunday, November 18, 2007

Commercial....60 Second

Sun is rising on a country plays in the background, the usual flute la-de-da. Rooster crows.

Camera goes into bedroom window to a man in bed waking up, yawing, then throwing back his blanket.
(Music up tempos, muted rock song)
He leaps out of bed and takes a shower in futuristic looking bathroom. Coffee perks on a timer and breakfast pops out of the microwave.
"I am so ready for this day" he says, munching on his food.
He opens the door to go outside and there stands a deer with a flower in its mouth, with lots of different species of animals standing and dancing behind, all singing Celebrate(Rare Earth).
"I just want to celebrate
another day of living
I just want to celebrate
another day of life."

Camera pans out to include the whole house, showing solar panels, recyling bins. water tank for sun warming, hybrid car.
Camera pans further out to space view of Earth clean of pollution.
Music continues to play...Voice in "Saving the planet starts at home."...pan out.


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